BaLance alpha

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Profile of Dr Hiroki Kozawa, director of Kozawa Clinic

Born in 1949 at Hekinan-shi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
Graduated from Toho University, Faculty of Medicine in 1974.
Studied Digestive Surgery and General Surgery at Toho University Hospital.
In 1984 Opened Kozawa Clinic in Hekinan-shi, director up to the present date

After opening his clinic, he started to doubt contemporary medicine and devoted himself to Oriental thought and Oriental medicine especially to Macrobiotic Diet (Brown rice and vegetable diet) set up by the late Dr. Yukikazu Sakuragawa and applied it to clinical practice.
He has being using “Balance-alpha” for a medical treatment at the beginning of the launching of the product having a curative influence from it.
The alimentary therapy by Macrobiotic diet is a method to cure illness gradually and slowly.  It has no immediate effect in the short term, but patients suffering from cancer need the immediate effects on the treatment. “Balance-alpha” has quick acting antioxidative potency and  is suitable to use together with the diet for medical treatment.

Book information : 
Title : “What doctors can and should not do “ 

Author : Dr Hiroki Kozawa  Publisher Sangokan
The book tells you about Macrobiotic diet and Balance-alpha


Abridgment of contents:

“As I mentioned before, I adopted Macrobiotic diet as a base of treatment which I believe the best method at the moment after trial and error systems of medical ethics. And I am carrying out Antioxidant treatment as adjunctive therapy using the antioxidant such as EM-X, Balance-alpha, 714-x or medical herb” ( from page 78)

Antioxidant “Balance-alpha” effective to 70% of patients
“Balance-alpha is a very powerful antioxidant using EM (Effective Microorganism) as well as EM-X. I used to use only EM-X at the beginning for adjunctive treatment but there were some patients who couldn’t get any effective results from EM-X at all. I was wondering why while looking for an alternative product for adjunctive treatment. And I happened to get to know Balance-alpha.” ( from page 96)

“I started to use Balance-alpha since March, 2000 for adjunctive treatment having very good results on many patients up till now. Chemical drugs has the effect of reducing the targeted symptom but oxidizes the body at the same time reducing immunity and function of organs , mind and emotion. As a result it builds a body likely to develop cancer. Much the same is true of Oriental herb medicine.
On the contrary antioxidants such as Balance-alpha improves all functions in the body apart from symptomatic relief. This is the greatest difference between chemical drugs and antioxidants.” ( from page 96)

“And there are test results showing that Balance-alpha is effective in more than 70% of patients or non-diseased individuals. This rate of 70% is extremely high in comparison with healthy supplements available on the market.” (from page 98)

TOP | Products (Purpose and ways of drinking - Raw materials - Production process
- Mr. Tsuyoshi Takahashi, producer of “ Balancealpha” - Immune activation power of Balance-alpha
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