BaLance alpha

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What is “Balance alpha ”?
It is a completely fermented and addictive-free beverage which consists of 100% natural materials, principally organic brown rice.

■ What is a complete fermentation?

Complete fermentation means a situation that fermentation as life activity is ceased with no nutriment s for micro-organisms.
A group of useful micro-organisms, which are used for production of “Balance alpha ”, consists of about 80 different kinds of micro-organisms and they sustain life activities with even a small amount nutriment remaining.
However this condition cannot result in a product with stable quality.
In the process of producing “Balance alpha ” all nutriment is eaten and life activity stops.
Fermentation activity, however, goes on until it stops ( or calories get to almost zero).

■ This idea comes from knowledge on rice production by natural agriculture method.

Mr Tsuyoshi Takahashi (resident in Yamagata Prefecture ), who is the pioneer of rice production by natural agriculture methods, developed an anti-oxidization beverage in order to get rid of active oxygen.
He noticed that organic brown rice, leaves and seeds of loquat and chrysanthemum have naturally strong anti-oxidization power. Then he succeeded in developing a technique of extracting anti-oxidization substances from raw materials after the lapse of a long time by applying technology to get soil fertile with a group of effective micro- organisms.

■ Natural materials・perfect addictive-free

  • Organic brown rice, leaves and seeds of loquat and chrysanthemum, with strong anti-oxidization power in nature, are used as raw materials.
  • It is extracted through extended fermentation and maturity with about 80 different kinds of effective micro-organisms, but not through any chemical extraction method.
  • Ferments, which are an origin of “Balance alpha ” power, are all natural.
    So even pregnant women and babies can take it with neither worry nor problems.

■ The best-before period

One year form production date
We left “Balance alpha ” unpacked and exposed to the air by a window in a simple experiment.
“Balance alpha ” showed no deterioration even after a lapse of 2 years, this proves that it has anti-oxidization power and the ability to maintain good quality for a long time under ultraviolet rays.

■ The micro-biotechnology medical study group also recommends “Balance alpha”!!

Several reliable doctors have already confirmed the effectiveness of “Balance alpha ” and it is a high quality and high volume additive food which meet the severe definition and standards of supplementary foods.

■ How to take “Balance alpha”.

As “Balance alpha ” is a refreshing beverage, in general, it is not limited to how and when to drink it.
And even if one takes too much, it is not harmful. It is not necessary to worry about too much drinking, because 10ml of “Balance alpha ” has only 1kcal, i.e. very low calories.
If you aim at good health, you are recommended to drink about 20 to 30 ml in the morning when hungry. It is more effective, however, if you take 10 to 15 ml in the morning and 10 to15ml before going to bed, twice a day.

Please just take “Balance alpha ” only, or mix it with anther drink, except top water containing chlorine, and enjoy it.
As various kinds of ferments, as an origin of “Balance alpha ” power, are proteins, it may change in quality at over 60 degrees of temperature.
So we recommended that you take it at normal temperature or less.

Good reports among those who worried about their own health conditions and took “Balance alpha”, have circulated from mouth to mouth since we started the production and sales in 1988, and many people take it at present.
Of course, we have never received any claim on its quality to date.

TOP | Products (Purpose and ways of drinking - Raw materials - Production process
- Mr. Tsuyoshi Takahashi, producer of “ Balancealpha” - Immune activation power of Balance-alpha
- Doctor's recommendation - Testimonial from a customer) | Company profile | Online store | Contact us